Title: >>>>the first international exhibition of ...
Publisher: Praesidium udstillingen Archibo 2 Horsholm ved Kobenhavn
Publication Date: 1969
Binding: Soft cover
Book Condition: Very Good
Edition: 1st
52 printed pages. 247mm x 247mm. Catalogue for the Danish architectural exhibition, the first international exhibition of single-family houses. Illustrated and with adverts throughout. Double-page spread for each exhibitor. The exhibitors were Bertel Udsen (1918 1992) a Danish architect known for his modernist single-family houses. Jean Paul Arno Fehmerling (1912-78), Danish modernist architect. Ib og Jørgen Rasmussen (born 1931, Ib d. 2017) two Danish modernist architects who were twins and worked together 1957-2017. Johannes Paludan (1912-2001) also a Danish architect. Mogens Egede Glahn architect (1930-). Jorgern Schnedler-Meyer, Ole Brandstrup Jensen, Mogens Egede Glahn, Torben Krog & Povl Pedersen, Torben Christenen, Povl Dano & Ole Bang, Bent Moudt, Holger Tangaa Hansen, Hans Frederiksen, Poul Ammentorp & Peer Haubroe, Johannes & Aage Paludan, Henrik Iversen & Harald Plum. Together loosely inserted with 3 printed folding illustrated promotional flyers from Povl Dano, Ib Jacobsen and Jorgern Schnedler-Meyer. With neat, informative marginal annotations and from the library of Stallard and Walker, Architects, 115 Crawford Street London W1. This book has impeccable provenance: one of her parents' design and architectural library completely purchased in 2018 by myself from their daughter, Sarah Stallard, at their home at 24 Goucester Crescent London NW1. Hilsea, Hindhead, Longmoor, Westmark and Witley Points, Alton East, Wandsworth 2 Avenue Road, Leicester 1953-4 built by architect Brenda Walker are among the few buildings listed by English Heritage that were designed by women. Bookseller Inventory # 4190