Title: Jac. Philippi Tomasini De Tesseris ...
Publisher: Amstelodami, sumptibus Andreæ Frisii
Publication Date: 1670
Binding: Hardcover
Book Condition: Very Good
Edition: 2nd Edition
Collation complete with all pages; 2 volumes in 1:De Tesseris Hospitalitatis [12], 227, [25]. Episcopi Aemoniensis Titus Livius 125, [17]. 28 engravings including 16 full-page engraved copper plates, 4 folding & 8 in-text. All edges speckled. Printed in Latin. Two small contemporary stamps and two ink numbers & abbreviations on blank endpapers. 8 x 14 cm. Full contemporary vellum binding with yapp fore-edges. Spine richly patinated with contemporary hand-written ink author and title at the top. Tomasini, Giacomo Filippo (1595-1655), was an Italian Catholic bishop, scholar and historian. These two works are bound together as expected, the first about hospitality and humanitarianism, the second about Livy and the antiquities of Pavia. They are found bound together in each example found and recorded in libraries & contain detailed engravings depicting large extravagant dinners, hospitality tokens, and portraits. Dissertation on the hospitality tessera, "Tablet (.) that was marked with particular signs and then broken in two: each of the two guests kept a half with the help of which he was recognized. " (Bouillet 1859). It was customary, among the Romans as among the Greeks, for two individuals to unite together by bonds of hospitality (.), a symbol of hospitality was exchanged (.). It was a token, an ivory or wooden plaque bearing either certain agreed characters, or the names of the characters, or even a copy of the deed between the parties concerned. (R. Cagnat, Cours épigr. Lat., 1889, p. 324).WorldCat lists just five UK institutional copies. Uncommon, with only a single other example for sale worldwide.Seller Inventory # 5097