64 pages. Engraved frontispiece. Intricate typesetting, vertically as well as horizontally. Basic mathematical rules: addition, multiplication, division, money, weights and measures - of land, wine, ale, and beer - and time. Seven pages of 1795 'Bills of Sale' at end with invoices to add up - from the Cheesemonger's, Grocer's, Woollen Draper's, Linen Draper's, Milliner's, Mercer's, and Hosier's. Printed by J. Cundee, Ivy Lane. This title was one of nine or ten volumes in a set called 'The Book-case of Knowledge, or Library for Youth' - in a wooden case without a front but covered in marbled paper. Rear inner hinge split but still holding firmly. Original cream endpapers. 62 x 97 mm. Original paper-covered boards with a paper label to the upper panel. Spine with later paper strengthening. OCLC, 0885456. WorldCat locates 5 copies worldwide.