Title: Mount Athos
Publisher: Hutchinson, London
Publication Date: 1966
Binding: Hardcover
Book Condition: Good
Edition: 1st Edition
191 printed pages. Map endpapers. Profusely illustrated. 22.5 x 28.5 cm. Original green cloth. Spine slightly faded and stained. Musty smell. Norwich's first published book, based on his second visit to Mount Athos with a Greek friend Costa, who took photos, and Sacheverell Sitwell's son Reresby, (who bought a rucksack stuffed with luxury food items from Fortnum & Mason, where he worked) who were both at school at Eton together. Reresby wrote about the itinerary of the trip and Norwich wrote a historical essay on Mount Athos- in the days when its Orthodox monastic complexes were virtually unvisited and devoid of external contact, on the secretive peninsular in northern Greece.