Title: Mrs. Leach's fancy work basket. Practical ...
Publisher: R.S. Cartwright, Johnson's Court, Fleet Street, London E.C.
Publication Date: 1912
Binding: Hardcover
Book Condition: Very Good
Edition: 1st
288 printed pages. 23 x 30 cm. profusely interspersed with photographic and engraved images of the crafts as well as a significant amount of domestic advertising, many with line illustrations. Endpapers browned. Original publisher's gilt embossed and printed grenn cloth boards, with black titling along spine. All in good condition. Leach, Clara, active 1875-1882 (author) Contents. Practical lessons in Brasscraft, bonbon bags, useful pincushions, wool flowers for millinery, ribbon rosettes, fancy articles easily made, newest needlework, embroidery on hardanger linen, white embroidery, home knitting for profit, novel ides for neckbands, needlework tapestry, table centres in rose embroidery, our transfer designs, knitting, crochet, and miscellaneous articles. volume 27. Bookseller Inventory # 4211