Title: The young gard'ner's director : Furnishing ...
Publisher: for Anthony Barker at Gutter-End Lane, Cheapside
Publication Date: 1716
Binding: Hardcover
Book Condition: Good
Edition: 1st
[2], vi, 144, [4] pages. Written by H. S. Philokepos, Master of the Free-School in East Retford; Author of the (lately publish'd) Greek Grammer. Preface signed: H. Stevenson. Price from imprint: Price 1s. 6d. Lacking engraved frontispiece (supplied in facsimile) but with engraved plate of knot gardens, 3 page publisher's catalogue at end, contemporary ink inscription "S.Pulleyn, 1748" on verso of title page. Minor spotting and handling, , full blind decorated contemporary calf, very slightly worn and wormed. Later sympathetic rebacking with burgundy morocco gilt lettered label. This is a rare manual for cultivating and planting gardens. It has a section devoted to the management of bees. From 1744 and subsequently, later editions were published, all of which are scarce. Only six copies of the 1st edition have been listed in English Short Title Catalog (T52879). Listed in British Bee Books, 77; Henrey, Blanche- British Botanical and Horticultural Literature Before I800, 1387. Bookseller Inventory # 4180